“Providing innovative data cleansing solution to data cleanse 115,000 lighting assets on Highways England’s Strategic Road Network”.
A team of specialists worked together to configure AssetScape software, prepare data and then manually validate every lighting column unit on the network. The team comprised of data and systems, data cleansing and street lighting experts based in our control centre. The control room concept was used to house the central software system and terminals. Data processers (data operators) were trained and supervised by our street lighting experts.
Our data experts carried out a number of interim data passes that provided us with a merged dataset with initial cleansing from 3 external sources (Lighting inventory, Energy Procurement database and AVIS’s street lighting dataset).
We utilised the latest in 3D asset management software “AssetScape” to handle the geodatabase and data cleansing task. AssetScape was configured to work with AVIS / OS imagery, LiDAR and OS mapping. The system was configured specifically to meet the task specification in terms of structure and attribute data.
AssetScape works in a 3D world regardless. So no need for complex 3D geometry data, we simply loaded and used an OS base map overlaid in a 3D plane. All asset datasets are 3D models with enhanced attribute visualisation which are all connected to the database.
The main benefit of our solution was the use of innovative software that enables operators to quickly make the right decision with confidence. The operator sees so much more data in a 3D environment when linked to video or aerial imagery.
Our approach also provides confidence in the output from start to finish. We developed a detailed processing methodology, audit protocols and output specification. All users were trained and then tested to ensure the outputs were to the highest quality possible. This includes auditing which is a module in AssetScape with reporting and statistical analytic tools.
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