
Navigate your data with ease using AssetScape’s RouteWatcher

AssetScape and Google Streetview side by side
A split screen view of an asset
A selection of assets on a route

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AssetScape organises data geographically and when you move along routes through a 3D scene you are navigating through your data too. Wherever you are on a route you can visualise and interact with all data from all sources located around your position simultaneously. This enables you to picture your data in context, and to make fully informed decisions based on a complete picture of the facts.

RouteWatcher features:

  • Create and manage routes
  • Assign asset models
  • Import data
  • Manage your asset inventory to preserve one version of the truth
  • Add comments and alerts to assets for later review
  • View an asset’s history
  • Utilise the integrated imagery facilities, including Video Viewer, Google Streetview and OS mapping
  • Get a different perspective on your data with the 2D GIS viewer

RouteWatcher enables you to understand and work with your data in a simple, holistic and effective way that increases operational efficiency and ultimately saves times and money.